A Full-Service Surrogacy Agency

Together We Build A Family


Fairfax Surrogacy is proud to be a part of making the dream of becoming a parent(s) a reality.

It’s what we do.  Building dreams, creating relationships, and making families. 

Whether you’re an intended parent or someone who is interested in being a surrogate, Fairfax Surrogacy is here to help make your dream come true.

Be a part of something amazing!

Support for Surrogates & Hope for Intended Parents

At Fairfax Surrogacy, our goal is to provide education and support to all aspiring parents and surrogates. In addition, we offer a high standard of credibility, transparency, diversity, and compassion to all who seek our services. Our highest level of integrity is demonstrated through our extensive screening process before matching and our commitment to having safeguards in place to protect and honor all persons involved.

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How to Become a Parent with Surrogacy

If you are a parent in the making, we want to be a part of building your future family. Having an experienced guide to help you walk through everything step by step, avoid pitfalls, and offer you the support you need can make a tremendous difference. Contact us so we can take that first step together. You don’t have to be alone!

How to Become a Surrogate

Are you interested in becoming a surrogate? YOU could be the answer to someone’s wish! While it is a big commitment, it’s also the most rewarding experience you may ever have. It doesn’t just change the lives of intended parents; it can transform YOUR life in the most beautiful way as well! Gestational Carriers are special women. If YOU think you are that special woman, contact us to learn more!

Become a Surrogate Family Pic

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