
Reasons for Needing Surrogacy for Intended Parents

Gestational surrogacy has opened the doors to parenthood for countless individuals and couples. This path, chosen for various reasons such as infertility challenges, health risks, or personal choice, offers a unique opportunity to experience the joy of building a family, making it a preferred path for many, including single parents and same-sex couples.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how gestational surrogacy is making the dream of parenthood a reality for so many.

What is gestational surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is a form of assisted reproduction where a surrogate carries and delivers a child for another person or couple, known as the intended parents. In this arrangement, the surrogate has no genetic link to the child, as the embryo is created using the egg and sperm of the intended parents or donors, and then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. This process allows individuals who cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy the possibility of having a biological connection to their child. Gestational surrogacy has emerged as a vital option for many, including those facing infertility, certain medical conditions, or individuals and couples eager to expand their families in a unique and loving way.

Medical reasons for choosing gestational surrogacy

Choosing gestational surrogacy can be a beacon of hope for many people dreaming of becoming parents, especially when medical challenges stand in the way. Let’s look at some medical reasons why gestational surrogacy might be the right choice for some families.

Infertility or reproductive challenges

Infertility is likely the first reason that comes to mind when thinking about gestational surrogacy. Many couples and individuals face the challenging path of fertility treatments, often enduring numerous attempts without success. Experiencing repeated pregnancy losses or multiple failed IVF cycles can be heart-wrenching. Surrogacy offers fresh hope, with the surrogate providing a supportive environment for the baby to grow.

Other conditions, such as unexplained infertility, where no clear cause can be identified, or issues like severe endometriosis and uterine fibroids, which can affect the ability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, often lead individuals to explore surrogacy.

Genetic disorders that parents fear passing on to their offspring can also make surrogacy with a donor egg or sperm an appealing option, ensuring the health and well-being of the child.

For those who find themselves at a crossroads, having been advised that natural conception or pregnancy may not be possible, surrogacy opens up an opportunity to have a child who is genetically theirs, bridging the gap where nature and medicine meet.

Health risks or unsafe pregnancy conditions

Health risks that make pregnancy dangerous are another significant reason why some turn to surrogacy. Some women have health conditions like serious heart or kidney disease that make carrying a pregnancy too risky. Others might not have a uterus or have one that isn’t shaped in a way that can hold a pregnancy. For these women, surrogacy is often the only way to have a biological child.

Other unsafe pregnancy conditions include severe preeclampsia, a complication characterized by high blood pressure and organ damage that can have life-threatening consequences, or hyperemesis gravidarum, an extreme form of morning sickness that leads to severe nausea and vomiting, risking dehydration and weight loss. These conditions not only endanger the health of the mother but also compromise the well-being of the fetus, making surrogacy a safer alternative for family building.

Cancer survivors and fertility challenges

Cancer survivors also frequently turn to surrogacy. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can harm fertility, leaving survivors searching for other ways to have children. Surrogacy provides a path to biological parenthood when they may have thought their chances at parenthood were lost.

In all these cases, gestational surrogacy shows the determination of individuals and couples to grow their families despite medical hurdles. With the support of surrogacy agencies like Fairfax Surrogacy, their dreams of parenthood can come true, marking the start of new, joyful chapters in their lives.

Non-Medical Reasons for Choosing Gestational Surrogacy

Beyond medical challenges, there are numerous non-medical reasons why individuals and couples explore gestational surrogacy as a route to expanding their families. These reasons reflect the diverse nature of modern families and the various paths to parenthood that people choose to pursue.

Surrogacy for single parents

One significant reason is the desire for single individuals to become parents. The traditional model of a nuclear family has evolved, and many single men and women are choosing to fulfill their parenting dreams on their own. Gestational surrogacy offers single parents the opportunity to have a biological connection to their child while not requiring a partner.

Surrogacy for same-sex couples

Same-sex couples, particularly male couples, often turn to gestational surrogacy to start or grow their families. For many in the LGBTQ+ community, surrogacy provides a way to have a child that shares a genetic link with one or both partners. Given that same-sex male couples are biologically unable to carry a pregnancy, they require the help of a surrogate to bring their child into the world. This option is particularly appealing as it allows both partners to be involved in the process from conception, creating a deep and meaningful connection to their child from the very beginning.

In these scenarios, gestational surrogacy stands out as a flexible and inclusive option for family building. Surrogacy opens up the possibility of parenthood to those who might otherwise not have the opportunity, making it a preferred path for many in the LGBTQ+ community.

Becoming a Parent through Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy offers a way for many people to become parents, helping them overcome both medical and non-medical hurdles. Whether driven by infertility, health risks, or the desire for a genetic connection, surrogacy opens the door to the dream of family life for individuals and couples around the world. Fairfax Surrogacy stands as a trusted partner in this journey, offering expertise, compassion, and personalized support to make the dream of parenthood a reality for those who choose this path.

For those considering this path, it’s crucial to research thoroughly, ask questions, and seek out support groups or counseling to prepare emotionally and practically. Remember, every surrogacy journey is unique, and making informed decisions along the way can help realize the dream of welcoming a new member into your family.

If you’re considering gestational surrogacy as a way to build your family, we invite you to reach out to us at Fairfax Surrogacy. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process, from the initial consultation to the joyous moment of welcoming your child into the world. We understand the complexities and the emotional investment involved in surrogacy, and we’re here to support you with the highest level of care and professionalism. Contact Fairfax Surrogacy today to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to becoming a parent through surrogacy.